Batman Series 1 of 5.  Rotoscoped in photoshop.  This took me 10-15 hours.
Batman Series 2 of 5.  Rotoscoped in photoshop.  This took me 10-15 hours.
Batman Series 3 of 5.  Rotoscoped in Photoshop.  This took me 12-17 hours.
Batman Series  4 of 5.  Rotoscoped in Photoshop.  This took me 12-17 hours.
Batman Series 5 of 5.  Rotoscoped in Photoshop.  This took me 12-17 hours.
an old batman drawing I did a while back.  It isn't my favorite (the chin and his right hand aren't very good), but it is good enough to include.  This probably took me an hour to draw and another hour to color in photoshop.
This is another hand drawn image.  It is a tribute (rip off) to Frank Quietly who illustrated Grant Morrison's Batman & Robin: Batman Reborn.   The Joker under the rain is my idea and its cute enough to include.  It probably took me an hour or so to draw.
Tusken Raider in Philadelphia (you know, like in Rocky?).  The Raider was hand drawn and the Phili background was rotoscoped using the scene in Rocky.  This project took me about 5 hours.
A parody poster of myself.  This took me a couple hours to do in photoshop.
Fun Projects

Fun Projects

A few fun projects I've done over the years. All of them were done using photoshop. The Batman series were all rotoscope projects - each took me Read More
